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CCXT is a JavaScript / Python / PHP cryptocurrency trading library with support for more than 90 bitcoin/altcoin exchanges. It allows you to connect to all major exchanges and platforms, and trade on them using a single unified interface.

CCXT provides a convenient and powerful way to manage your cryptocurrency trading portfolio, and it is designed to be easy to use, even for those who are new to the world of cryptocurrencies. With CCXT, you can quickly and easily access all of the major exchanges and platforms, including Bitfinex, Bittrex, Bitstamp, Binance, Coinbase, Gemini, Huobi, Kraken, OKEx, and many others.

One of the key features of CCXT is its support for multiple languages. The library is available in JavaScript, Python, and PHP, so you can use it in a variety of different environments and applications. This makes it easy to integrate with your existing trading systems, and allows you to take advantage of the full range of features and functionality offered by the library.

In addition to its support for multiple languages, CCXT also offers a wide range of other useful features and capabilities. For example, it includes support for real-time data feeds, so you can access the latest price information and trade on it in real-time. It also includes support for a variety of different order types, including market, limit, and stop orders, as well as support for margin trading.

Another key feature of CCXT is its robustness and reliability. The library is designed to be highly resilient, and it can handle a large number of concurrent requests without crashing or slowing down. This is especially important for high-frequency traders, who need to be able to access the markets quickly and efficiently in order to take advantage of short-term price movements.

In addition to its robustness and reliability, CCXT also offers a number of other useful features that can help you manage your cryptocurrency trading portfolio more effectively. For example, it includes support for a variety of different indicators and charting tools, so you can quickly and easily visualize the performance of your trades over time. It also includes support for a variety of different order book formats, so you can easily track the buy and sell orders on the exchanges you are trading on.

Overall, CCXT is a powerful and versatile cryptocurrency trading library that can help you manage your trading portfolio more effectively and efficiently. Whether you are a professional trader looking to automate your trading operations or a newcomer to the world of cryptocurrencies looking to learn more about the markets, CCXT is a valuable tool that can help you achieve your goals.


CCXT is a free and open-source library, and it is available on the Python Package Index (PyPI), so you can install it using pip:

pip install ccxt

example of CCXT

Here is an example of using CCXT in Python to access the Bitfinex exchange and get the latest price of Bitcoin:

import ccxt

# create the Bitfinex exchange object
bitfinex = ccxt.bitfinex()

# load the markets

# get the latest price of Bitcoin
btc_price = bitfinex.fetch_ticker('BTC/USD')['last']

print('The current price of Bitcoin on Bitfinex is:', btc_price)

In this example, we first import the CCXT library and create an object for the Bitfinex exchange. We then load the markets on the exchange and use the fetch_ticker method to get the latest price of Bitcoin. Finally, we print the price to the console.

CCXT Binance order place

Here is an example of using CCXT in Python to access the Binance exchange and place an order to buy Bitcoin:

import ccxt

# create the Binance exchange object
binance = ccxt.binance()

# load the markets

# set the API key and secret
binance.apiKey = 'API_KEY'
binance.secret = 'SECRET_KEY'

# create an order to buy 0.1 BTC at a limit price of $10,000
order = binance.create_order('BTC/USD', 'limit', 'buy', 0.1, 10000)

print('Order placed:', order)

In this example, we first import the CCXT library and create an object for the Binance exchange. We then load the markets on the exchange and set the API key and secret, which are required for authenticating and placing orders on the exchange.

Next, we use the create_order method to create an order to buy 0.1 BTC at a limit price of $10,000. This method returns an object containing details about the order, which we print to the console.

CCXT Binance fetching order book data

Here is an example of using CCXT in Python to access the Binance exchange and fetch the order book for the BTC/USD market:

import ccxt

# create the Binance exchange object
binance = ccxt.binance()

# load the markets

# fetch the order book for the BTC/USD market
orderbook = binance.fetch_order_book('BTC/USD')

# print the order book
print('Bids:', orderbook['bids'])
print('Asks:', orderbook['asks'])

In this example, we first import the CCXT library and create an object for the Binance exchange. We then load the markets on the exchange and use the fetch_order_book method to get the order book for the BTC/USD market.

The fetch_order_book method returns an object containing the list of bids and asks in the order book. We print these lists to the console to view the current state of the market.

CCXT Binance fetching Last Trades data

Here is an example of using CCXT in Python to access the Binance exchange and fetch the latest trades for the BTC/USD market:

import ccxt

# create the Binance exchange object
binance = ccxt.binance()

# load the markets

# fetch the latest trades for the BTC/USD market
trades = binance.fetch_trades('BTC/USD')

# print the trades
print('Trades:', trades)

In this example, we first import the CCXT library and create an object for the Binance exchange. We then load the markets on the exchange and use the fetch_trades method to get the latest trades for the BTC/USD market.

The fetch_trades method returns a list of objects containing information about each trade, such as the timestamp, price, and amount. We print this list to the console to view the latest trades on the market.

CCXT Binance fetching Account Balance

CCXT in Python to access the Binance exchange and fetch the current balances of your account:

import ccxt

# create the Binance exchange object
binance = ccxt.binance()

# set the API key and secret
binance.apiKey = 'API_KEY'
binance.secret = 'SECRET_KEY'

# fetch the current balances of your account
balances = binance.fetch_balance()

# print the balances
print('Balances:', balances)

In this example, we first import the CCXT library and create an object for the Binance exchange. We then set the API key and secret, which are required for authenticating and accessing your account information on the exchange.

Next, we use the fetch_balance method to get the current balances of your account. This method returns an object containing the available and total balances for each currency in your account. We print this object to the console to view the current balances.

CCXT Binance fetching open/pending orders

To check if an order is pending on Binance using the ccxt library, you would first need to retrieve the order using the fetch_order() method, which returns an Order object. This object has a status property that indicates the status of the order. If the value of the status property is 'open', 'pending', or 'unfilled', then the order is pending.

Here is an example of how you might check if an order is pending on Binance using the ccxt library:

# Import the ccxt library
import ccxt

# Create a Binance object
binance = ccxt.binance()

# Set your API keys
binance.apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
binance.secret = 'YOUR_SECRET'

# Retrieve the order
order = binance.fetch_order(id='ORDER_ID', symbol='BTC/USDT')

# Check if the order is pending
if order['status'] in ('open', 'pending', 'unfilled'):
    print('The order is pending')
    print('The order is not pending')

In this example, we are checking the status of an order with the ID 'ORDER_ID' for the 'BTC/USDT' symbol. You can adjust the parameters of the fetch_order() method to suit your needs. For more information on how to use the ccxt library and the Binance API, you can refer to the ccxt documentation and the Binance API documentation.